IBO StarterPack
I just got into Network Marketing a few days back. I had been desperate to get into Network Marketing for quite a while. And when this guy came and told me about the business I literally jumped into it. And I got started.
So what now!
It's not too complicated at all - of course you can get into this business and eat/sleep/drink NM(network marketing) . But till you see money coming you think - this is not for me, this is too complicated, I can't do this for me. Now let me tell you why this business is just right for you :
1. You have a cell phone/internet connection/Cost Co Card - don't you? If no, then atleast you shop at Walmart?
2. From the time you get up to the time you hit the sack, you talk to atleast 5 people don't you?Each of those guys talked to talk to 5 other people daily and so on.
Yes, I do both - so what?
1. I have GEICO as my insurance - why? Simply because my roomie had GEICO.
2. I ALWAYS fill gas in my car at COSTCO - why?Because it is cheap. But how did I come to know that it is cheap? When I came to US did i know it was cheap? NO - I knew abt COSTCO because my rommie told me it is cheap!
3. And the list goes on and on and on - I know Walmart is the cheapest place to buy because my roomie and my colleagues told me it is cheap.
Ok - so how does it fit in?
Here is how it fits in. Did my roomie get paid because I joined GEICO?NO.Did my roomie get paid because I use the fuel at COSTCO?NO.Does COSTCO and GEICO keep making money from me because of the work my roomie did? YES, OF COURSE!
It's this simple!
A COSTCO card costs you 22.5$ to become a member. To become a member of my business I charge 45$.
Isn't that expensive?
I have always liked numbers - so let me do some numbers.
In COSTCO, I save $0.10 per gallon. I need abt 30 gallons of fuel per month. Works out to 3$/month, 36$/year - a net benefit of $13.5/year.
In my business, let's assume you do 100$/month shopping (everybody needs 100$ worth of goods/month). And you talk to 3 more people . So you have 400$ business/month. Which works out to 12$ month profit(3% is your profit margin on goods). Which works out to 144$/year - a net benefit of $99/year.
The Magic of compounding and leverage
Say Jack becomes a member of your business. And he gets John, Jim, Jill into business. Do you think John, Jim and Jill will keep quiet. Don't they want to make money? Don't they have friends?Say they get 2 friends each.So now you have 1100$ of business. At this point I get you get a higher profit margin of 6%. And you are now making 66$/month - a net benefit of 756$/year. And that's how simply your business grows!
Why my business?
1. You are doing nothing new - you shop as you usually do, you talk to people as you normally do. You are doing nothing new!
2. I have about a million products that you choose from - health, fitness, electronics, food, house care, cell phones - products from IBM, Sony, Kelloggs, Circuit City, Verizon Wireless, Lee, Reebok - you name it and I have it. You need not worry about shipping, invoicing, billing, inventory, wastage - none of it. Absolutely no loss.
3. 100% moneyback - at the end of 6 months, if you don't like my business - tell me and I will refund your 45$ back. Try that with COSTCO - "Mr.CostCo I don't like your fuel, I want none of your business. Give me 22.5$ back". What do you think Mr.CostCo is going to say!!
What next?
1. Give me a call or drop off an email - either me or my business partner will get in touch and you can get started off with your business right away! And we will be there to guide you to make a stonger and more profitable business. It's in our interests to make you a success.
Cell No : 203-257-4086
email : nithin_pai@yahoo.co.in/jack_stockpicks@yahoo.com
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